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Creation of a European training certification for the management of quality of care and health risks

Priorities and themes

HORIZONTAL: transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications
HORIZONTAL: social inclusion
VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING: supporting the adoption of innovative approaches and digital teaching and learning technologies

TOPICS covered by the project

The complementarity and diversity of the partnership will allow for the continuous measurement of intermediate and final impacts. The ministries of education and the major professional organisations will receive the results as the project progresses and will be able to initiate a reflection on their diplomas or qualifications. The lead partners will monitor these developments. They will also examine the reputation of this new short cycle in higher education and how, with the validation of prior learning, courses develop after this short cycle towards a professional licence. They will observe whether the new training offer appears (and in what volume) in the regional calls for tenders issued by training funders and prescribers, including for jobseekers. The evaluator will analyse any mobility between the partner countries. During his audit missions in the countries, he will question professional organisations, decision-makers, prescribers and funders on the awareness of the new offer.




TIC - new technologies - digital skills


International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation


The main objective of the project is the creation of a new European certification of qualified in the medical sector. As a result, the project is fully involved in the transparency and recognition of qualifications in the EU. The intended results will enable the mobility of target audiences in the EU. In addition, the production of new multi-media teaching tools and accessibility to training for at least 25% of the training content is planned. As such, the project supports the adoption of innovative approaches and digital teaching technologies. Finally, all the results of the project and, in particular, the training content and teaching tools will be built according to a quality process piloted by one of the partners in support of medical professionals from three European countries. This is the guarantee of the quality and durability of the new deformation offer.

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