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Backround and objectives

In Romania, Law no. 185 of 24 July 2017 regulates the quality management of health services. The responsibility for this management lies with the health units in accordance with the strategy promoted by the Ministry of Health and the National Authority for Quality Management in Health (ANMCS), which is a partner in the project. Despite this, there are no occupations listed in the national nomenclature (COR) for quality management, so there is no occupational standard as a basis for the competencies to be required for activities related to quality of care and risk management in health. Finally, none of the country's universities offers targeted professional training in this field, and the few existing continuing education programmes are not based on the necessary competency approach.


In France, the quality management of health care services is conceived according to a global approach to medicine and with the interdependence of medical actors. This implies new skills. Although initial training already includes the skills required by these changes, the vast majority of professionals in charge today are faced with an inevitable transformation of their profession. This transformation requires continuing education, whose programmes do not yet cover all the necessary fields.

In Greece, after having experienced a breakdown following the economic reforms, the health system is being rebuilt with the priority being the quality of care. To this end, there are a few university courses, but they are considered too general and there are practically no continuing education programmes.


The situation described in Romania and Greece requires a partnership with France in order to benefit from its experience and its more advanced innovations. The challenge of the project is therefore to support a profound change in professional practices by developing and deploying a transversal Lifelong Learning system for the medical sector aimed at managing the quality of health care and risks. For professionals, taking into account the experience acquired and the need to ensure the security of career paths means that this system must be integrated into a certification. This is the general objective of this project.


The analysis of needs carried out by the partners in each country prior to the project brought out converging issues and made it possible to identify specific objectives and target audiences. The evolution of the health professions and the European directives highlight a lack of qualification in the management of the quality of care and health risks. Quality specialists, as well as medical staff, managers and employees responsible for quality in the various departments of medical establishments, are the professionals responsible for the changes to be made at all levels of the production chain. They are the target audience for this project.


The project also targets jobseekers in the medical sector in retraining or further training, including migrants and asylum seekers who have already completed all or part of their medical training in their country. The direct users of the results will be training organisations in the health sector as well as certification bodies. The indirect users will be medical companies. Thus the project is in line with the Erasmus+ priorities for vocational training and contributes to achieving the objectives of the 3rd European Union action programme in the field of health. Through the constitution of its consortium (national authorities for the quality of medical services, medical companies, training organisations, universities, social partners, professional organisations), it establishes teaching-employment partnerships that guarantee the dissemination and sustainability of the project.


 It builds and tests on 150 trainees a certification of "Health Qualitician" in accordance with the EQF and the Bologna develops a modular training system covering all the fields of the management of the quality of care and risks in health and professionalizes 45 increases the penetration of ICT in teaching by building open educational resources on 25% of the training time.

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